This part of the website is meant to share interesting pictures and videos. I won't make any claims about them being real or fake. They are interesting enough to speculate about en that's why I want to share them.

The next video is one of the most interesting cases of a UFO caught on camera, mainly due to the close-ups that can be seen of the flying object:


I want to say once more that the following videos are posted here, just because I find them interesting. I'm not making any claims about the authenticity of these videos and I have no idea about how serious you can take this material.

From the documentary "The KGB UFO files" you can see a crashed flying saucer in Russia in the video below. Or is it a piece of disinformation from the Cold war to make the Americans believe that the Russians had found something extraordinary?


Deze foto wordt getoond in de documentaire over Hessdalen (zie het kopje "Belangrijke Cases") en wordt hierin besproken door de wetenschappers die de foto hebben gemaakt. De foto hieronder is gemaakt met een sluitertijd van 30 seconden. In de 30 seconden zie je de lichten op een onnatuurlijke manier door de lucht bewegen. Het licht is tegelijkertijd geanalyseerd en op de foto zie je de spectraalanalyse staan. Zoals je ziet is deze erg netjes, er lopen geen kleuren in elkaar over.

Dit betekent dat de lichten niet het gevolg kunnen zijn van gasverbranding. De wetenschappers denken dat de lichten een plasma zijn en het interessante daaraan, is dat het bijeen moet worden gehouden door een sterk magnetisch veld. Ook zijn de lichten voor langere periodes waargenomen op radar dus de wetenschappers concluderen dat het solide objecten zijn. Koppel daaraan nog de sightings van duidelijke vliegende schotels in de decennia voor deze foto, door geloofwaardige getuigen die wonen in Hessdalen en je hebt een erg intrigerende foto te pakken in mijn ogen:

The photo below (cropped and enlarged) was taken by a Costa Rican government mapping plane during an aerial mapping mission. This UFO photograph is unique for several reasons. 1) The photograph was taken by a high-quality, professional camera. 2) The unidentified object is plainly visible against the uniformly dark background of the lake and appears in sharp focus. 3) The camera was aimed downward and the plane was flying at a known, fixed altitude (10,000 feet), which makes it easy to calculate a maximum size for the object (683 feet).

The plane carried a crew of four; a specialist in aerial photography, a geographer, a topographer, and the pilot. No member of the crew stated that they saw anything unusual during the routine flight.

Much analysis has been undertaken using the original negative, most notably by Dr. Richard F. Haines and Dr. Jacques F. Vallee. It seems safe to assume that it is not a double-exposure or the result of manipulation of the negative. All indications are that this is a photo of a large three-dimensional disk , or shallow cone, [hovering?] above, and possibly partially submerged in Lago de Cote.

There were apparently no witnesses to the disk's presence at the time of the photograph, but other incidents at that location had been reported by local farmers, involving strange, artificial objects moving around the surface or just below the surface of the lake.

Wat ook erg interessant is, zijn UFO's en aliens in oude schilderijen en andere kunst. Hier heb ik een paar van de meest interessante schilderijen doorgelinkt.

A disk shaped object is shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus - Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge, England - Painted in 1710 by Flemish artist Aert De Gelder. It depicts a classic, hovering, silvery, saucer shaped UFO shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus. What could have inspired the artist to combine these two subjects?


A fourteenth century fresco of the Madonna and Child depict on the top right side the image of a UFO hovering in the distance. A blow up of this fresco reveals tremendous details about this UFO including port holes. It seems to indicate a religious involvement between UFO's and the appearance of the Christ Child.


This painting is called "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino". It was painted in the 15th century by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494) and hangs as part of the Loeser collection in the Palazzo Vecchio. Above Mary's right shoulder is a disk shaped object. Below is a blow up of this section and a man and his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the object.


The painting above was done by Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495) and is called "The Annunciation with Saint Emidius" (1486) and hangs in the National Gallery, London. A disk shaped object is shining a pencil beam of light down into Mary's crown chakra. A blow up of the object is next to the painting.



Wandjina petroglyphs from Kimberley, Australia. About 5,000 years old and may represent alien beings.

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